A Case Study for


West Texas National Bank

West Texas National Bank is headquartered in Texas’ Permian Basin region and serves customers throughout West Texas and eastern New Mexico. 

The Challenge.

WTNB needed increased land loan business and market presence


A message begins to form

As an energy bank in the middle of an oil and gas rich region, WTNB was a major player in the petroleum business. Targeting ranch brokers and people looking to buy and finance ranch land in West Texas and eastern New Mexico was a different story. 

The solution.

Targeting Key Ranch Brokers and Land Buyers With a

Multi-media Campaign

A multimedia campaign using print, outdoor, digital and direct media was developed by the Hancock team to communicate to two distinct targets: key brokers of ranch land in the region and those people who matched the profile of people looking to buy large tracts of land in the dual state area for recreational and agricultural purposes. 



New Lenders Hired

Counties Targeted

New Profit Center

Schedule a Meeting


